All About Lent

All About Lent

What is Lent?

Lent, the solemn 40-day period before Easter, holds profound significance in the Catholic Church and other Christian traditions. Starting on Ash Wednesday and concluding on Holy Thursday, it is a season of penitence and preparation. Throughout Lent Catholics engage in the spiritual disciplines of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. These practices serve to deepen our connection with God, our awareness of Jesus’ sacrificial love, and to prepare our hearts and minds for the Paschal Mystery—the journey of Jesus' passion, death, and resurrection. Lent is an invitation to reflect, repent, and renew one's commitment to living a life of faith, ultimately leading to the joyful celebration of Easter.

When Does Lent Start?

Lent this year begins on Ash Wednesday, February 14, 2023. 


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Traditional Lenten Practices

There are many ways to live our Catholic faith during the Lenten season! Many people make personal sacrifices and give something up for the entire forty-day period, symbolizing self-discipline and reliance on God's grace. Some engage in acts of service to emulate Jesus’ love and compassion towards others.  

And there are many practices and traditions that take place at the local church! The Stations of the Cross is a revered tradition where Catholics pray and reflect on the journey of Jesus' Passion and death. Attending a Passion Play performance offers powerful visual depictions of Jesus’ sacrifice. And some churches host a Fish Fry, a social tradition that brings the community together while observing the Church's practice of abstaining from meat on Fridays during Lent. These practices encourage spiritual growth, deepen faith, and prepare hearts for the celebration of Easter.

The Significance of Lenten Colors

The color purple holds significant symbolism throughout the Lenten season. It recalls the robe that Pontius Pilate placed on Jesus before His crucifixion, serving as a reminder of Christ's suffering and sacrifice. Purple is also traditionally associated with royalty, signifying Jesus as our eternal King.

On Palm Sunday, the color red is prominently featured in the vestments worn by priests. This foreshadows Jesus' death on the cross, emphasizing the solemnity and sacrifice of his journey. Red is also the color worn on Good Friday, further emphasizing the profound significance of the crucifixion.

In contrast the color white takes center stage on Holy Thursday and Easter Sunday. White represents joy and purity, symbolizing the triumph of Jesus’ resurrection and the new life found in him. It serves as a visual reminder of the hope and rejoicing that accompany these significant days.

The colors used during Lent enhance the spiritual experience, evoking emotions and providing visual reminders of the central themes of Jesus’ suffering, sacrifice, and ultimate triumph over death.

Learn More About Lent


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